Place in a mixing bowl Three-quarters cup of brown sugar, Two cups of flour, One teaspoon of salt, Two tablespoons of baking powder, One teaspoon of cinnamon, One teaspoon of ginger, One-half teaspoon of cloves, One-half cup of cocoa. Sift to mix and then rub in One-half cup of shortening and One cup of syrup, Two cups of sour milk, Three-quarters teaspoon baking soda, Two cups of fine bread crumbs, One package of seedless raisins. Dissolve the baking soda in the milk. Beat all hard to mix and then pour into well-greased and floured oblong pans and bake in a slow oven for one hour. Cool and ice with water icing. This cake is delicious and will keep, if wrapped in wax paper, for a month.