Four ounces of butter, One and one-half cups of sugar. Cream until light and frothy, and then add One cupful of milk, Three and one-half cupfuls of flour, Four teaspoonfuls of baking powder, One teaspoonful of almond extract, One-half teaspoonful of mace.
Beat for five minutes to blend and then cut and fold in the stiffly beaten whites of five eggs. Bake in prepared pans for one hour in a moderate oven. Use the pans prepared the same as for the fruit cake. Golden cake may be made from this recipe, using the yolks of seven eggs. To use successfully you must use good shortening, pastry flour, granulated sugar and fresh eggs. Exact care in measuring with the proper methods of compounding and finally careful baking are necessary. Now for another point: do not stir the cake after its final beating. In filling the cake pan put the mixture well into the corners and leave a slight depression in the centre. This will leave the cake perfectly smooth on top.