A recipe for making seed cake – 1 lb. Flour. 6 oz. Dripping 6 oz. Sugar. 1 1/2 teaspoonsful Caraway Seeds. 1 Egg. 2 teaspoonsful Baking Powder 1 gill Milk or Water. Time–One Hour and a Half. Sift the flour into a basin and rub in the dripping; carefully stir in the sugar, baking powder, and caraway seeds. Beat up the egg and milk or water, and mix the dry ingredients into a dough; beat for two or three minutes. Turn into a cake tin which has been well rubbed with dripping, stand on a baking sheet and place in a moderate oven. Bake for one hour and a half or longer, test it by running a skewer right through the centre; if it comes out clean the cake is done. Turn it out of the tine carefully and stand on a sieve till cold.