A recipe for making never fail flannel cakes – 2 cups thick sour milk (quite sour). 2 tablespoonfuls sweet milk. 1 egg. 1/2 teaspoonful salt. 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoonful baking soda (good measure). Pour the milk in a bowl, add yolk of egg. Sift together flour, baking soda and salt, four times. Beat all well together. Then add the stiffly-beaten white of egg, and bake at once on a hot griddle, using about two tablespoonfuls of the batter for a cake. Serve with butter and maple syrup or a substitute. This recipe, given Mary by an old, reliable cook, was unfailing as to results, if recipe be closely followed. The cakes should be three-fourths of an inch thick, light as a feather, and inside, fine, like bread, not “doughy,” as cakes baked from richer batters frequently are. From this recipe was made eighteen cakes.